Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ansley and Kylie's pictures

Here they are, Ansley and Kylie's school pictures! You would not believe these are school pictures. The photographer, Karen Nickel, did an amazing job with them. I purchased just the basic picture package because I had planned on taking them this summer to a friend of mine to have their "official" 1 and 3 year pictures made, now I don't know that I am even going to have to do that. These pictures turned out beautiful. Follow the directions below to view them on her website. They will be listed under Carrington Academy.

Hello!I would like to invite you to view pictures at Karen Nickel Photography. They are located at When you go to the website click the Access Gallery link, find Ansley and Kylie Stinson and enter in the access code below:
Access code: Stinson
After you do that you will be able to view these pictures.

We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!


  1. Those are BEAUTIFUL!! I cannot believe those are their school pictures. She did a fantastic job. Your girls look precious! They both could be little models with their eyes. :)

    I hope you had a good Mother's Day. I got your message, and I have not forgotten to call you back, it is just never a good time and then I know you are working during the day. I will try to give you a call this week and we can figure out a day for you to come and see Davis.

  2. These pictures are gorgeous!
