Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ansley's 1st Soccer Game

So the big day finally arrived! Ansley's 1st soccer game. I have to say she looked so cute.Yes, I know.. . its soccer not a fashion show-haha!  I do have to mention that I had green ribbon to put into her hair, but it mysteriously went missing just before the game--hmhm. . . I wonder what happened to it?? Chris said he didn't touch it. Hmm, again.

But back to the game. Ansley wasn't nervous. at all. She was totally oblivious to the whole idea of a "real" game, which is a good thing. We played at Windermere Park for a 10am game. They rotate players in and out, so she got to watch from the sidelines for a little while.

Then she got her turn. . . she did a great job of staying in the game and running around, BUT we don't think she really understands the concept of the game--to actually get the ball from the other team and get it into the goal. But, it was her very first game and she will do much better this upcoming week. She even got to play goalie and stopped 3 balls in between twirling her hair and smiling at us. She loved playing goalie and can't wait to play it again next week.

On a funny note, I was taking so many pictures, Ansley actually would stop and pose for me in the middle of the game. So Chris told me to put my camera up because she thought she was in a photo shoot. What can I say? I am a proud soccer mama!

In the end they did lose. . . pretty doggone bad. But it was fun and that is what counts! Ansley earned two stickers for her uniform. One for playing a good game and one for being a good goalie! Yay Ansley--we love you!

Here are some pictures for you! Video to be uploaded this weekend hopefully!

Oops! I am out of storage. . .I will have to upload the rest after a purchase a little more space for my pictures. Keep checking back in! I have some cute ones that I haven't gotten to post yet.

Here they are!!

 Waiting for her turn.

 Ansley and Coach Rodney! I went to college with Rodney. Such a neat photo for me to look back on !
 Great stop Ansley!!!!

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