Late tonight we were playing in the backyard when suddenly Kylie sat down to play with something. She had found an injured butterfly in the grass. I watched as my girls took to the little injured butterfly. . . taking turns holding it and petting it and assuring it that it was going to be okay. It really took hold of Ansley and wouldn't let go of her little finger. She even said later, "Mommy, she really likes me. She doesn't want get off of my finger." Even Kylie sat perfectly still as it fluttered across her tiny little hand. She laughed hysterically as its little wings ticked her palm.
Finally, we decided to bring it in and put it into a bowl. Ansley wanted to give it some water. She said butterflies like water. She also said that we need to feed it something to eat. So we all went to the fridge looking for something to feed a butterfly(it was quite funny). "Chocolate milk. . . no butterflies don't drink chocolate milk--that's silly! . . . .cheese, no! Yogurt. . no! Maybe broccoli because butterflies like 'begtables' " Finally, we settled on pieces of bananas. We all sat in the floor and watched the little butterfly take to the banana pieces.
When I put Ansley to bed tonight she said, "Mommy, the butterfly has gone to sleep standing on the banana."
Good night sweet butterfly. The sweet, simple moments you brought my girls today will forever be remembered.
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